Professors & Lecturers

Meet the esteemed faculty members of the National University of Management.


Professor. Chhay Phang

Dean of Faculty of Information Technology

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dean of Faculty of IT

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Vice Dean of Faculty of IT

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dean of Faculty of IT

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Vice Dean of Faculty of IT

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dr. Chhay Phang

Dean of Faculty of IT

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Mr. Leng Kimhok

Vice Dean of Faculty of IT

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Lecturer Sreng Vichet

Assistant Professor